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Monday, November 28, 2011

Thanksgiving for YOU!!

Dear friends and family....
The past week has come and gone and with it beautiful, warm memories of such special days...
Each day held wishes from you for a "Happy Thanksgiving"...a "Happy Birthday" (which I shared with ole' Tom Turkey this year!)...and "Good Luck at the Fair."

It was a juggling act, I must say, getting ready for Thanksgiving,
lovin' the fresh brussels

the BEST sous chef!

finishing up all the details for the Fair,
Schotzie pricing for me on Thanksgiving night!

and trying to remember  that the Beatles song "When I'm 64" holds special meaning for me this year.
and I'm 64!!

I hope I remembered to thank each and every one of you personally for all your good wishes, wished YOU and Happy Thanksgiving, and Happy Birthday to my November birthday friends...but if I'm amiss, I apologize and send you those heartfelt wishes today.

I want you to know that all your kindness was received and materialized in the amazing success I had at my very first fair venture....a very special "thanks" to all  my dear friends who came out to the Fair and supported me!  Here are some pictures you might enjoy... Remember to click on the photos to enlarge them for detail.

Little Team Muse 

Big Team Muse
And thank you, dear Lord, for old friends ~ new friends ~ good weather ~ FAMILY, and Your blessed inspiration!!

Have a beautiful week, dear friends!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

It's Been a Whirlwind Week!

Hello dear friends and thank you for visiting with me today...if the sound on your computer is on you know I'm getting ready for Christmas with a new playlist for the month ahead.  Yes, I've been getting ready...in a manner of speaking...but nothing has been wrapped, decorated, baked, or written...BUT, I'm about to wrap up all the loose ends for my very first ever Art Fair!

This weekend I'll be at Reid Park with the treasures I've been creating during the past month plus.  If you are in the area, please stop by and say hello!  The Fair runs from 9 a.m. - 4 p.m Saturday, Nov. 26th  and Sunday, Nov. 27th.

For now,  get comfy as I give you a sneak peek at those goodies...
one of my snow pixies

some simple pendant necklaces

spools of ribbon
a couple of the many cuffs

some representatives of my snow people

vintage altered bobby pins
layered necklaces

altered bottle

Blessed Mother pendant

fun pin cushions

And there's much more, but I still need to photograph ornaments, jewelry holders, dress forms, and tags.  I will try and get another post up this week with samples of the other creations.  I have to thank all my blog friends for the inspiration to make this journey.  I'm constantly inspired by, and encouraged by YOU!  THANK YOU!!

With very special thanks to:
Debrina at *spark* your imagination http://whimsicalworldoffairies.blogspot.com/,
Terri at Artful Affirmations http://artfulaffirmations.blogspot.com/,
Dawn at The Feathered Nest http://the-feathered-nest.blogspot.com/
June at Dezinaworld http://dezinaworld.blogspot.com/
Patty at Lisa's Altered Art http://www.lisasalteredart.com/
Sue at *laugh*paint http://www.suepelletierlaughpaint.com/
Karla at Karla's Cottage http://karlascottage.typepad.com/karlascottage/

Well, it's back to the studio to get working on those "loose ends!"  I'll be posting more pix this week, so be sure to check in!

Have a Happy Thanksgiving, everyone ~ I'm so thankful for YOU!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Thank Heaven, for little girls!

On Sunday we headed to Phoenix for the much anticipated baby shower honoring the lovely Lacey and her sweet bebe-to-be.  Our dearest family friends, Nancy and Ashley (Lacey's mom and sis) hosted the event at Nancy and Mike's home.  

Lacey and Tim have a very special connection to Paris as bebe was started there! Nearly newlyweds, the couple celebrated their 2nd Anniversary in October and their dream-come-true is due in January.  This shower was one of the most beautiful I've seen...but I think it was because every touch was done with the greatest love for mother and baby.  Nancy and Ashley are two of the most creative spirits we know. 

French touches abound everywhere...Come join the celebration!
a "welcome" at the front door
beautiful mommy-to-be, Lacey
the scrumptious dessert table
There were fantastic vignettes throughout the home...paying tribute to ladies, both young and old...

  the Madeline table, of course!!

Mother Goose was there

Ashley, Lacey, and Nancy

We will be dreaming pink...and French...and girly...and anxiously awaiting this precious bundle!  Thank you ladies for sharing this beautiful event with your "second family!"

I'm working like a crazed elf in my studio these days...just 12 sleeps until the Reid Park Arts and Crafts Fair Thanksgiving weekend.  This will be my first time as a vendor and I'm so excited.  I'll be sharing a sneak peek of my wares next Monday!
Oh, and for those who don't follow my blog on Google Reader, check out the post I snuck in last week about a truly beautiful swap.

Have a blessed week dear friends!