We're in full bloom in Tucson. Roses, gardenias, bougainvillea, hibiscus, lantana, and all the other desert blooms that adorn our property. How I love this time of year! Of course, I wrote this before we hit the "ice break" this week with 100+ temps! Oh well, it's June, it's Tucson and we knew it was coming!!
Gosh, so much has happened in the past month that time truly slipped away from me....
Let's catch up!
Our Kiki turned 40! She celebrated with her family and friends for the better part of April ~
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"Young at Heart" girls getaway to Hollywood for 4 days with 8 friends |
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Mr. & Mrs. Jones hosted a surprise brunch at their lovely home for our girl |
We've been changing the "face" of our home with some additions ~ luscious blooms, a front yard patio and walkway ~
Our prolific hibiscus! |
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This did not hinder my jewelry efforts, and actually I've never seen my work so well. Here are just a few pieces to come off the bench in the past month. Be sure to check out all sections in the Boutique as I've been adding as I've created...
Custom Order for Amy |
Summer's looking great....I've enrolled at our local club for the Silver Sneakers program, jewelry classes begin this week, we'll travel back to Long Island in July for my 50th class reunion, and there's our annual escape to Ocean City, MD in August.
So, that pretty much wraps up this edition of the Musings. I hope your June is joyful and I'll see you next month! Thanks so much for stopping by...