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Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Nail Polish

What is it with little girls and nail polish? Is it part of our genes? Or, is it just me?

This raven beauty, my beloved mother, initiated me into the nail polish club at a very young age.  I think she would paint my nails so I'd quit nagging her every time she painted her own.

Back in the day, the colors were somewhat limited, compared to the array we can choose from today.

And so her choices were limited to a palette of reds.

Post War, Pre Children

Though not in color, and a little grainy, mama's nails are painted

I distinctly remember this oldie ~ Fifth Avenue Red.  It was a favorite of mom's, along with Revlon Red, Fire & Ice, Cherries in the Snow to name a few.  Later on, Persian Melon became a go-to, along with it's matching lipstick.

Revlon Red (new edition)


As a little one, I wasn't picky about color so long as I matched my mama's.  

I remember I had just turned 12 when these luscious colors hit the drugstore shelves, and I was smitten!

 I didn't have an allowance to support a purchase and there was no way I would be given permission to wear such "radical" colors.  As it was, I could only wear nail polish from Friday night to Saturday night, never to school and never to church!

In time, the dream of these luscious bottles sitting on my dressing table, arranged in a fan, like a peacock's feathers, faded away.  I never did buy them or try them.  They certainly weren't mom's cup of tea.

Perhaps I'm still chasing that dream because since the pandemic, I've gone back to doing my own nails.  I'm using a wonderful product that is "17-Free" and doesn't contain the 17 chemicals most likely to damage your nails or health.

My nails are thriving and I'm mastering the "salon look!"  I've put together a little collection which is creme, not frosted (as were the Bon Bons pictured above).  I'm still chasing after a perfect "pistachio green."

Do you wear nail polish?


Thursday, April 22, 2021

Remember THIS???


Yep, there it is in all it's glory!  This was the great office purge of Lent2021.  What a hot mess!  It did take me almost all 40 days, although I never do chores or manual labor on Sundays, so there's that.  Oh, and there were those days (quite a few) where the thought of tackling this made me ill, so there's that.

Now, in all honesty my game plan and execution was pretty much a blur...broken up by frequent distractions, Diet Cokes, figuring out meal plans, updating the planner and basically anything that would keep me from working more than a few hours a day. I never enjoyed doing the laundry as much as in that time period.  I'm happy to say that one month in and I was finished!  

I was methodical as far as procedure ~ big carton for trash (boy, I miss the convenience of just tossing something into it from across the room & hitting it every time!) ~ numerous cartons for the thrift stores.  And hubby was a champ delivering those donations for me.

But the real game changer was gathering anything related to "crafting" and moving it into the studio.  Fortunately, there's cabinet space there for the infrequently used paper, stamping, painting, slicing and dicing.  Now this room is all about the business.  Nothing gets left out on the counters or writing table over night ~ everything has a home.

I can't possibly write any more until I show you the "after" pix, so here we go...



In all honesty, I can't even remember what I donated or threw away.  What does THAT tell you?!

In the meantime, my bedroom closet has also been "Spring cleaned" and seasonal clothing swapped out.

Have you been Spring cleaning? Survived? But there's always something more to do...am I right?

Thanks so much for stopping by for a visit...you know I love your company!








Monday, April 19, 2021

It's a Monday for sure

 THURSDAY: Our plumbing contractor came out and assessed the work they'd be doing in the next few days to replace all remaining 70 year old galvanized pipes with 21st century plumbing.

Green lines mark the route of the pipeline and where the trench will be dug.


FRIDAY: The trenching begins!


MONDAY:  Trenching continues...the temporarily displaced Texas Ranger shrub rests comfortably in a tub of water before it's replanted.

So far, so good.  We've only been without water for 2 hours.  They expect to do the finishing work tomorrow.  

The weekend was not without excitement as Melissa found her wedding band!  It's so pretty and compliments her engagement ring perfectly 💖

Thanks for stopping by for a visit, you know I love your company!  

How's your Monday going?

Karen 🐝💛